
Department of Linguistics
University of California, Los Angeles
3125 Campbell Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States


[ CV ]


I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at UCLA. My research interests lie primarily in theoretical syntax and its interfaces to morphology and semantics.

If you are interested in something you cannot find here, please email me.


[recent manuscripts]

  • Crossover asymmetries [pdf]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    Ms., UCLA & University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • Silencing the PCC [pdf]
    [w/ Jon Ander Mendia]
    Ms., UCLA & UPV/EHU.

[to appear]

  • Clause-internal successive cyclicity: phasality or DP intervention? [pdf]
    [w/ Hedde Zeijlstra]
    Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.
  • More on (the lack of) reconstruction in English tough-constructions [pdf]
    [w/ Ethan Poole & Jon Ander Mendia]
    Linguistic Inquiry.
  • Φ-Feature sharing [pdf]
    The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism, ed. by K. Grohmann & E. Leivada. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Impoverishment [pdf]
    [w/ Gereon Müller]
    The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology, ed. by A. Alexiadou, R. Kramer, A. Marantz & I. Oltra-Massuet. Cambridge: CUP.


  • Not all reconstruction effects are syntactic [link]
    [w/ Ethan Poole]
    Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (Online First).


  • Movement and cyclic Agree [pdf]
    [w/ Bhamati Dash]
    Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 41, 679–732.
  • Person restrictions depend on overt agreement, not nominal licensing [pdf]
    [w/ Will Oxford & Jessica Coon]
    Proceedings of NELS 52, Vol. 2, ed. by B. Pratley, Ö. Bakay, E. Neu & P. Deal. Amherst, MA: GLSA, 139–148.


  • Feature gluttony [pdf]
    [w/ Jessica Coon]
    Linguistic Inquiry 52, 655–710.


  • Probes and Their Horizons [link]
    Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 81. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Locality domains in syntax: Evidence from sentence processing [link; prefinal pdf; suppl. materials]
    Syntax 23, 105–151.


  • Hierarchy effects in copula constructions [link; prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Michael Wagner & Jessica Coon]
    Canadian Journal of Linguistics 64, 617–648.
  • Selective opacity [pdf]
    Linguistic Inquiry 50, 13–62.
  • Secondary strong crossover in Hindi and the typology of movement [pdf]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    Proceedings of NELS 49, Vol. 1. ed. by M. Baird & J. Pesetsky. Amherst: GLSA, p. 125–134.


  • Case vs. positions in the locality of A-movement [pdf]
    Glossa 3, 138.
  • The cyclicity of ϕ-Agree: Evidence from scrambling [pdf]
    [w/ Bhamati Dash]
    Proceedings of NELS 48. ed. by S. Hucklebridge & M. Nelson. Amherst: GLSA, p. 91–104.
  • Interpreting long scrambling in Hindi-Urdu [pdf]
    [w/ Ethan Poole]
    Proceedings of NELS 48. ed. by S. Hucklebridge & M. Nelson. Amherst: GLSA, p. 105–118.
  • Tense and the realization of the feminine plural in Hindi-Urdu [prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    Perspectives on the Architecture and Acquisition of Syntax: Essays in Honour of R. Amritavalli. ed. by G. Sengupta, S. Sircar, M. Gayathri Raman & R. Balusu. Springer, Dordrecht, p. 49–76.


  • Long-distance agreement [link; prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV. ed by M. Everaert & H. van Riemsdijk. Blackwell-Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, p. 2291–2321.
  • Intervention in tough-constructions revisited [link; prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Ethan Poole]
    The Linguistic Review 34: 295–329.
  • Hierarchy effects in copular constructions: The PCC corner of German [pdf]
    [w/ Jessica Coon & Michael Wagner]
    Proceedings of NELS 47. ed. by A. Lamont & K. Tetzloff. Amherst: GLSA, p. 205–214.
  • Agreement and vP phases [pdf]
    A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson [link]. ed. by N. LaCara, K. Moulton & A.-M. Tessier. University of Massachusetts Amherst: Linguistics Open Access Publications 1, p. 177–185.


  • Probes and their horizons [pdf]
    Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • Interpreting verb clusters [link]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 34: 1445–1492.


  • Verb clusters and the semantics of head movement [pdf]
    [w/ Rajesh Bhatt]
    Proceedings of WCCFL 32. ed. by U. Steindl, T. Borer, H. Fang, A. García Pardo, P. Guekguezian, B. Hsu, C. O'Hara & I. C. Ouyang. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA, p. 82–91.
  • Differential argument encoding by impoverishment [link; prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Gereon Müller]
    Scales and Hierarchies: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective. ed. by I. Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, A. Malchukov & M. Richards. de Gruyter, Berlin, p. 75–130.


  • Complete and defective agreement in Kutchi [link; prefinal pdf]
    [w/ Trupti Nisar & Rajesh Bhatt]
    Linguistic Variation 14: 243–288.


  • Deconstructing switch-reference [link]
    Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 31: 767–826.
  • Syntagmatic constraints on insertion [pdf]
    Morphology 23: 201–226.
  • On the role of movement in Hindi/Urdu long-distance agreement [pdf]
    Proceedings of NELS 42. ed. by S. Keine & S. Sloggett. GLSA, Amherst, p. 273–284.


  • How complex are complex words? Evidence from linearization [prefinal pdf]
    Lingua 122: 1268–1281.


  • Non-zero/non-zero alternations in differential object marking [pdf]
    [w/ Gereon Müller]
    Proceedings of NELS 39. ed. by S. Lima, K. Mullin & B. Smith. GLSA, Amherst, p. 441–454.


  • Case and Agreement from Fringe to Core: A Minimalist Approach [link]
    de Gruyter, Berlin.
  • Does chain hybridization in Irish support movement-based approaches to long-distance dependencies? [pdf]
    [w/ Anke Assmann, Fabian Heck, Johannes Hein & Gereon Müller]
    Proceedings of the HPSG10 Conference. ed. by S. Müller. CSLI, Stanford, p. 27–46.


  • Reanalyzing Hindi split-ergativity as a morphological phenomenon [pdf]
    1 2 many. ed. by J. Trommer & A. Opitz. Universität Leipzig: Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 85, p. 73–127.